---------ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.106 (2020-02-13)--------- Supports Chrome version 80 Resolved issue 3155: Load page was aborted when using a proxy (v.77/78). [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3164: Chromedriver version 77 doesn`t wait for page to fully load before interacting with an element [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3179: ChromeDriver log should include the port used by the driver [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3180: Enable SetGeoLocation for w3c mode [Pri-] Resolved issue 3184: UnexpectedAlertOpen status should always include Alert text [Pri-3] Resolved issue 3188: Improve message when CRX2 Extension is loaded [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3196: ChromeDriver 78 race condition in ExecuteGetPageSource may result in JavascriptException [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3226: add --ignore-certificate-errors flag when acceptInsecureCerts true [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3230: Update error message and return status for no such execution context [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3239: ChromeDriver may block indefinitely while waiting for pending navigation [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3264: Allow setting SameSite cookie attribute [Pri-] Resolved issue 3336: WebDriver 80.0.3987.16 can't open Chrome on Linux [Pri-1]