---------ChromeDriver 79.0.3945.36 (2019-11-18)--------- Supports Chrome version 79 Resolved issue 2117: Chromedriver locks when an alert()(js) is raised while taking a screenshot [Pri-2] Resolved issue 2435: Chrome driver reports platform and platformName as XP on Win10 machine [Pri-2] Resolved issue 2487: "Element is not clickable" when using headless [Pri-] Resolved issue 3005: WPT test in element_clear "test_not_editable_inputs[hidden]" does not pass [Pri-3] Resolved issue 3073: Alerts coming from backend response cause ChromeDriver in W3C mode disconnect from browser - unable to interact with Chrome anymore - java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:38699 [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3133: window.navigator.webdriver is undefined when "enable-automation" is excluded in non-headless mode (should be true) [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3148: ChromeDriver always ignores certificate errors [Pri-2] Resolved issue 3205: Chrome driver 78 moveToElement action sometimes moves to wrong y coordinate [Pri-1]